How To Find Time for Health Despite Your Busy Schedule

woman busy in the office with desk cluttered with papers
  •  Prioritize health by listening to body pains, not ignoring discomforts that could signal worsening health problems.
  • Build a simple, consistent routine incorporating regular exercise, nutritious meals, and balanced work-rest time.
  • Small, manageable changes, like increased water intake or desk stretches, can significantly impact your health.
  • Improving health amidst a busy schedule is a continuous process, requiring consistent self-care and prioritization.

At some point in life, you may find that your schedule becomes so busy that there is barely any time left in your day for self-care activities. You may have so many commitments that you barely have time to eat, let alone take care of your physical and mental well-being. You may feel like your health priorities have been put on the back burner and that you don’t even know where to start when it comes to taking care of yourself. But it doesn’t have to be this way. This blog will discuss some tips and strategies that can help you stay healthy and happy, even when you’re super busy.

Listen to Your Body Pains

It’s crucial to tune in and listen to your body. Often in the midst of a hectic schedule, you ignore or dismiss the physical discomforts and pains that your body communicates to you. These minor aches and pains can be an early warning sign of more significant health issues down the line. Therefore, paying attention to them and taking appropriate action is essential. Here are examples:

Joint Pain

Joint pain can be a result of several factors, from strenuous physical activity to aging and even stress. When your schedule is packed, it’s easy to overlook the occasional knee or elbow twinge. However, persistent joint discomfort shouldn’t be ignored. It might indicate underlying conditions like arthritis or tendinitis. If you frequently experience joint pain, make sure you take breaks during your work, practice gentle exercises, and consider seeking medical advice.

Tooth Ache

Toothache can be a significant distraction in your already busy schedule. It might be tempting to dismiss it, especially when you have deadlines looming. Yet, dental pain often indicates a problem that requires immediate attention. It could be a cavity, an abscess, or even gum disease. If you’re experiencing persistent toothache and a dentist thinks the problems are severe, visiting a trusted oral surgeon is advisable. They can diagnose the root cause of the pain and provide the necessary treatment before the problem escalates.


Headaches, especially frequent ones, should not be disregarded. They can be a symptom of several issues, such as dehydration, eye strain, tension, or even more severe medical conditions. Prolonged staring at digital screens or high-stress levels can often trigger headaches. If you’re continually battling a throbbing head, it’s time to seek medical attention. Make sure you’re hydrating regularly, taking breaks from screen time, and incorporating relaxation techniques into your routine.

woman at office pinching her temple due to headache

Create a Routine

Creating a routine can help you stay consistent with your healthy habits. Developing a routine can also help you build healthy habits that stick. You don’t have to create a complicated pattern, but having a few things you do daily can go a long way. Here are some tips:

Exercise Regularly

Exercising at least three times a week can go a long way in maintaining your physical and mental health. It not only helps to reduce stress but also boosts your immunity. If you’re pressed for time, try finding short workouts that you can do throughout the day or for activities like swimming or walking. Even fifteen minutes of exercise can make a difference.

Eat Healthily

Eating healthy can be difficult when you have little time in your day for meal prepping and cooking. However, you can take some simple steps to ensure you get enough nutrients from the foods you eat. For example, try packing your meals with nutrient-rich ingredients, such as fruits and vegetables. Additionally, you can prepare meals in advance for the week to save time.

Balance Work with Rest

It’s essential to strike a balance between work and rest. Make sure your schedule includes plenty of time for relaxation activities like reading a book or taking a hot bath. Giving yourself time to unwind and be kind to yourself is essential.

woman stretching after waking up with light coming from window

Make Small Changes

When you’re busy, small changes can significantly impact your health. You don’t have to overhaul your entire life to improve your well-being.

Instead, try making small changes that you can stick with long-term. For example, you could start by drinking more water throughout the day, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or doing some stretches at your desk. Small changes can lead to more extensive changes over time.

Furthermore, try breaking down any big goals into smaller, more manageable objectives. When you have a clear plan of action for how to achieve your goal, it will be easier to stick with it and take consistent action.

Improving and maintaining your health despite a busy schedule can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. By prioritizing your health goals, creating a routine, being prepared, making small changes, and being kind to yourself, you can take care of your physical and mental well-being, even when you’re juggling multiple commitments. Ultimately, taking care of your health isn’t a one-time task but a continuous process. By making fitness a priority in your daily life, you’ll be setting yourself up for a happier, healthier, and more balanced life.

The Author

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