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Fashion / Lifestyle

elderly exercising

Taking Care of Adults in Their Twilight Years

As people age, they often require more care and attention. As of July 2019, there are around 54.1 million senior citizens in the United States, representing about 16 percent of the population. The elderly are one of the most rapidly growing populations in the country. This trend will likely continue as medical advances allow people to live

woman and man on a romantic date

How to Stop Wasting Your Precious Time When Dating

Imagine this scenario: you match with someone on a dating app, and you start chatting and hit it off immediately. You exchange numbers and agree to meet up for coffee the following week. But then, two days before your date, they cancel with a vague excuse about being “super busy at work.” Sound familiar? If

woman warming up in the gym

How to Start Leading an Active Lifestyle in 2022

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to lead a healthy lifestyle. Not only does living a healthy life make you feel better mentally and emotionally, but it also has a slew of physical benefits. And the great news is that leading a healthy lifestyle is something that anyone can do, no matter what

men at the gym

Following an Active Lifestyle: When You Make Conscious Choices

An active lifestyle is not about being busy all the time. That is just a recipe for burnout. Active living is about pushing your body and mind to be at their most effective. This means actively seeking relaxation as well. Healthy and delicious meals are a necessity and a want, but cooking every day is

man carrying a box of clothes

The Most Creative Ways to Reuse Clothes That You Don’t Wear Anymore

If your clothes take too much space in your closet, maybe it’s time to declutter the Marie Kondo way. But you may start to wonder how you will upcycle the clothes you’re not using anymore. How can you reuse garments from fast-fashion brands? How can you recycle shirts that you’ve outgrown? The textile waste in landfills is appalling. According

senior being held by nurse

A Senior’s Lifestyle: Special Considerations for Older Adults

As a senior, lifestyle changes are inevitable. Seniors need to make adjustments to their lifestyle so that they can live their best lives. It can be hard to keep up with the changes that come with aging. Therefore, they need to find a way to feel comfortable even if their age is taking a toll

enjoying life with friends

Start Living Your Life to the Fullest

Everyone is given this wonderful opportunity called life. We live through our lives with a multitude of experiences, from the bad ones to the good ones. There’s the option to wallow in defeat and live each day languishing, and with all the craziness happening in the world, it’s easy to do that. But living a

sleeping concept

Three Sleeping Techniques You Probably Haven’t Heard Before

Getting a good night’s sleep is more than just a luxury. For most people, a seven-hour sleep has become more elusive, especially those coping with stress or serious illnesses. But whatever you’re going through, quality sleep is just as important to our overall health and wellbeing. Restless nights spent on tossing and turning is a

sad man

How to Bounce Back from a Toxic Job

If you’re reading this right now, that means that you have already filed your resignation and left that job that has been turning your days into a joyless routine. First off, you deserve to be congratulated. It takes a lot of effort to leave a routine, no matter how hard it is. But after leaving,

puppy on a bed

Pet Guide: 4 Factors to Consider Before Getting a Dog

Dogs are indeed man’s best friend. They are fun companions who are always ready to play. They are the loving pals who silently comfort you whenever you’re down. And they are the loyal buddies who will defend you no matter what. Truly, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better friend than a dog. So if

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