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Fashion / Lifestyle

man and woman dating

5 Ways to Find Lasting Love As a Man

Finding lasting love as a man requires effort and intentionality. Building self-worth, being intentional when searching for partners, and focusing on healthy relationships are essential. Taking care of yourself is essential to finding lasting love, including exercise, eating well, getting enough sleep, and connecting. Working with a professional matchmaker may be beneficial in the search

A young girl and her father using a tablet at home

Raising Kids on Your Own: Navigating Life as a Single Parent

Single parenting brings unique challenges that require a positive mindset and helpful tips. Prioritizing self-care is essential to keep feeling energized and present for your family. Keeping your kids occupied with structure, routine, and planned activities is essential for growth. Building a support system of friends, family, and other single parents is beneficial for emotional

A man stood up by his girlfriend

Moving on After a Heartbreaking Split

Take the time to validate and express your feelings, allowing yourself to grieve. Disconnect from your ex, focus on taking care of yourself emotionally and surround yourself with supportive people. Build a habit of self-care activities such as eating healthy, exercising regularly, and getting sufficient sleep. Set new goals for yourself to focus on that

fashionable woman

Five Fashion Trends to Spice Up Your Looks This Season

With a new season comes new fashion trends. But what if you’re unsure how to incorporate them into your existing wardrobe? Or what if you’re just looking for a bit of inspiration to help you step out of your fashion comfort zone? Here are five trending looks that are sure to spice up your style.

grandson bonding his grandfather on a wheelchair

Taking Care of an Elderly Parent: What to Do

Parents are always there to lend a helping hand and support their children. They give you unconditional love and care when they bring you home from the hospital. They help you with your homework, encourage you, and even teach you lessons that will serve as a foundation for later success. In recent years, there has

Concept of an energy-efficient home. Two hands holding a green paper with energy-saving ratio over a green background

Save Money with Upgrades: Making Your Home Energy Efficient

There are so many ways to make your home more energy efficient and save money on energy costs. Whether you’re planning a big upgrade or a small one, there are numerous things you can do to make your home more energy efficient. From switching out appliances to adding insulation, the right upgrades can add to

woman wearing earphones while listening to music

Staying in Tune with Music Trends

Keeping up with the latest music trends can be challenging, but it’s worth the effort. Music trends are constantly evolving, making it difficult to stay ahead of the curve and maintain an up-to-date knowledge of what’s new and popular. Fortunately, there are several ways to stay in tune with the industry and ensure you’re not

A fashionable freelancer with pink hair and a pink hoodie working in a minimalist, stylish all-white dining area

Live Your Best Life: Be a Freelancer

More and more people are leaving the traditional workforce behind in favor of freelancing. In fact, more than 59 million Americans were freelancers in 2021. And it’s no wonder why! Being a freelancer comes with a ton of benefits. If you’re thinking about making the switch to freelancing, read on to learn more about the

fashionista woman

How to Use Fashion to Creatively Express Yourself

Fashion is one of the most creative and fun ways to express yourself. It’s a way to show the world you are and what you’re about without saying a word. And it’s a great way to boost your confidence and feel good about yourself. Here are 5 ways you can use fashion to express yourself:

A dog that is barking too much

Five Problematic Behaviors of Dogs and How to Fix Them

Nobody’s perfect, not even our furry friends. Dogs can exhibit some problematic behaviors sometimes, but that doesn’t mean they’re bad dogs. Most of these behaviors stem from doggy anxiety or a desire for attention. Keep reading to learn about five common problematic behaviors in dogs and how to fix them. Chewing on furniture or other

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